Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Best of 2012? Howler - America Give Up

These are the doldrums of the music release year. Only in the first couple of weeks of February does the bulk of music releases begin to be released. But, the early part of a year can also bring some wonderful overlooked gems. Last year, it was Braids. This year, it just might be Howler.

Howler hail from Minneapolis. MN, which has given us such left-field brilliance as Prince, The Replacements and Husker Du. Howler are more in the Husker Du camp, playing a wild but angular style of rock and roll, with healthy 60s garage influences. There's not much that's fancy about Howler. But, it's rare to hear a band come along with a solid embrace of the spirit, if not the sound, of classic rock and roll. Check the term "rock and roll" too. Howler aren't a "rock" band (that is, the safe, commercial-safe and neutered form of music that's masquerading as "rock and roll"), they're dangerous and raw like classic rock and roll used to be. That said, they also have an arty, post-punk side, with some of their album clearly cribbing notes from bands like Wire and Public Image Ltd.

Check this out and tell me I'm wrong:

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