Thursday, July 26, 2012

Forgotten Music #15 - Dogs Die in Hot Cars - "I Love You 'Cause I Have to" (2004)

This band should have been huge. Instead, they're a footnote in history, Scotland's Dogs Die in Hot Cars take some obvious cues from some new wave legends, notably the quirky pop sensibilities of XTC and the manic energy of some of Scotland's greatest 80s acts like The Fire Engines and Orange Juice. The band took several years to bring their music vision together, forming in 1997 but not releasing anything until a single for One Little Indian Records in 2003. In 2004, they released their debut full length called Please Describe Yourself, a new wave influenced album full of classic jangly and upbeat British style rock.

The band had three singles of the album, the most successful of which was "Godhopping", which peaked at #24 on the UK charts. A second album never truly came together. After the band recorded some demos, they split up but released the album they planned on releasing free on the internet.

"I Love You 'Cause I Have to" is just one of several great songs on their only album. This is one is very worthwhile to track down if you love UK new wave.

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