Monday, June 27, 2016

On 21,000 views

Some time back in May, my little music blog got it's 20,000th view. Early this week, I hit 21,000 views. That's a pretty modest number for a 5 year old blog I've semi-neglected for a while, but I'm pretty proud of it. And my new writing schedule should keep those numbers even, hoping about a thousand hits a month.

One thing I noticed, looking through the stats, is that my blog is unreasonably popular in Russia. Seriously, Russia is often the number two country referral (after the US) and sometimes it's the most referred country. Almost as many Russian visitors come as US visitors.

My posts on the Junos and the Salmon Arm Roots and Blues Festival seem to be the most popular posts.

As a tribute to my Russian visitors, here's Russian ambient artist Artemiy Artemiev. His Electroshock label has been featured on my radio show many times in the past. I really wanted to put up some music from noise/industrial artists F-Noise, but there's nothing on Youtube. Oh, and also a video by T.A.T.U., just because (and for Ian, who might read my blog, and who loves this band for some weird reason.)

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