Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The March 30 Day Song Challenge

Lots of my facebook friends are doing this challenge there, but since I have a music log, I'll do it here. I'll catch up to the current day soon.

Here are the guidelines if you want to join in:

Day 1: Your favourite song: Elvis Costello - "Blue Chair"

A question I've long pondered and decided several years ago. The only other songs that come close are "Imagine" and "Stigmata". Strangely enough, the studio version isn't on Youtube, just the doo-wop B-side version

Day 2: Your least favourite song: Whitney Houston = "I Will Always Love You"

I could easily pick a Led Zeppelin song here, but this song just sends me into a frothing rage whenever I hear it. The high points in the vocals are absolutely unbearable.

Day 3: A song that makes you happy: Polysics - "New Wave Jacket"

Polysics make me smile every time I hear them. Their spastic energy is impossible to deny.

Day 4: A song that makes you sad: Elvis Costello and the Attractions - "What's So Funny Bout Peace Love and Understanding"

I could easily put "Imagine" here too. One a good day, this song leaves me a blubbering mess.

Day 5: A song that reminds you of someone: George Jones - "He Stopped Loving Her Today"

This could be one of my sad songs too. This song reminds me of my mom, she loves old country.

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